Cost per year: £26.25 Setup: Free Cost per month: £2.62
Z-200 Features
Impressive performance
Our servers use high performance
processors and high speed network connections,
giving impressive performance. We use the industry standard
cPanel control panel to provide all the features you need. Demo
Weekly Backups
At Z-Host we understand that your data is important. Every week
your hosting account is automatically backed up, where
the last 8 weeks backups are kept. This automatic backup includes
your web site, MySQL databases and mailboxes.
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
Unlike most hosts, we are so confident
in our ability to keep to our uptime guarantee that we offer
compensation. If we fail to meet 99.99% uptime each month
you'll receive 1 day free hosting for each hour your site is unavailable.
200 MB of disk space
Plenty of storage space for hosting your web site.
10000 MB per month bandwidth
This allows many visitors to your site.
1 Add-on domains
Allows you to host multiple web sites on the same hosting account.
Administrators Control Panel
allows you to configure and setup all aspects of your web hosting. Demo
Web based e-mail interface
Access your email using a choice of 3 different web based interfaces
Unlimited mailboxes
Gives you the ability to create separate mailboxes under your own domain name POP3 and IMAP access.
Catch all e-mail filtering.
Mailing List manager.
Forwarding, autoresponding and vacation messages.
Configurable SPAM filtering.
Anti-virus filtering.
Weekly Backups
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
PHP (Versions 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1)
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Redundant DNS
Easy to use Site Builder with over 100 Templates
Your own CGI-BIN directory
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Domain Parking
Automatic Script Installer
Traffic Statistics
Server Side Includes (SSI)
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Cron Job Scheduling
Password Protection to protect parts of your site
Custom Error Pages
Online File Manager
Unlimited Technical Support
Free Instant Setup
30 day Money Back Guarantee
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